Connect API Catalog

The connect API contains many products, this catalog will allow you to either view the whole API or each product individually.

Full Connect API
Individual Products API Documentation
Introduction This API provides essential endpoints for user information and authentication, crucial for accessing and utilizing any subsequent products. The authentication endpoint ensures secure access to the main API. The user endpoints return comprehensive details about logged-in users within the customer's environment and provide higher-level user information. Additionally, the API allows users to view their subscriptions for available products and the languages that are supported.
Check and Decide
Introduction Endpoints to access pre-configured decision trees to automate credit decisions. Decision Engine can help you save time and money across your company by automating time consuming processes which drain your company's resources. This can free you and your staff to spend more time to work on achieving your business goals.</br></br>A full audit trail of previous decisions is maintained for user access and decisions in a pending state can be manually approved or declined.
Consumer And Misc
Introduction Endpoints to order Consumer Reports. In order to order a Consumer Report, sufficient information to uniquely identify the Consumer (search criteria) must be provided to filter potential results down to one record. When one record has been found, the returned object will be the Consumer Report. Currently only piloting with German Consumers.
Credit and Risk
Data Cleaning
Introduction A suite of endpoints to allow you to upload, map, match and then append Creditsafe company data to your own master data. Maintaining the quality of company data is of greatest importance to ensure efficiency and maximisation of opportunity.
Global Monitoring
Introduction Endpoints to Monitor changes to Company Information. Company changes can be retrieved by creating a Portfolio (a collection of companies) and configuring the eventRules (the criteria in which to trigger a change, e.g. company name changes, limit changes) on the portfolio. When a company in your Portfolio changes to satisfy an eventRule, a notificationEvent will be raised to inform you of the nature of the change. See here for Creditsafe's Global Monitoring capabilities.
KYC Compliance
KYC (Know Your Customer) enables you to make better-informed risk management decisions by utilizing our comprehensive business information. This service is designed for both Know Your Business operations and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) screening features. <br><br> The application ensures that you can conduct due diligence on customers and suppliers alike, identify key parties, verify individual identity details globally, and screen against international sanctions, regulatory enforcements, PEP (Politically Exposed Persons) lists, and potential adverse media.
Local Solutions
Introduction This API definition is intended to to be a good starting point for describing your API in OpenAPI/Swaggerformat . It also demonstrates features of the create-openapi-repo tool and the Redoc documentation engine. Beyond the standard OpenAPI syntax, we use a few vendor extensions .
Protect (Legacy)
Introduction A suite of endpoints to allow you to upload, map, match and then append Creditsafe company data to your own master data. Maintaining the quality of company data is of greatest importance to ensure efficiency and maximisation of opportunity.