Last updated

Rate Limiting Authenticate

Rate limiting is implemented on the authenticate endpoint to ensure fair usage and protect the service from excessive requests. Please take note of the following rate limiting rules:

  1. Invalid Request Limit:

    • Up to 5 identical invalid requests are permitted within a 2-minute period. Upon reaching this limit:
      • Subsequent identical requests will receive a 429 HTTP Status (Too Many Requests).
      • After a 2-minute waiting period, the endpoint can be called again. However, if the credentials remain invalid, 401 HTTP Status (Unauthorized) responses will be issued.
  2. Overall Request Threshold:

    • There is also a threshold for the total number of authentication requests within a given time-frame:
      • More than 10,000 requests to the authenticate endpoint within a 5-minute period will result in a lockout from the endpoint.
      • Note that the evaluation window for this threshold is 5 minutes. Importantly, 429 HTTP Status responses also count towards the 10,000 request limit.
      • In the event that the threshold is exceeded, you must wait a full 5 minutes before the endpoint will accept new requests again.