Endpoints for user authentication into the Connect API.
Key | Value |
tags | Full Connect API |
Key | Value |
tags | Full Connect API |
Creditsafe Connect is a REST API that provides access to the Creditsafe Global Company Database. This allows you to:
To start your Creditsafe Connect API integration you will need to have activated your account and set a password by following the instructions in your Welcome Email. If you have not received a Welcome Email please contact your Creditsafe Account Manager.
By default, you will have been setup on our Sandbox environment.
Using a REST API client construct an /authenticate
POST request and enter your username & password (case-sensitive) into the POST body. A successful response will return an authentication token
Use the authentication token
in an Authorization
header on all other Creditsafe Connect calls as proof of your authenticity.
Endpoints to retrieve the structure of the Company and Director Search Criteria's and Reports.
The JSON schema is a blueprint of the data structure that will be returned in the response of the Company and Director Report endpoints. The schema can be used to validate the response data and understand the structure of the data returned. The schema is available for all countries and is a superset of all country's JSON schemas.
Endpoints to search for Companies in the Creditsafe Global Company Database. Companies are uniquely identified by the connectId
- the identifier used to order a Company Credit Report. The Company Credit Report is a JSON object comprising of key business and financial data points such as Credit Score & Limit, Industry Code, Directors, Balance Sheet and Negative Information. A full list of Company data points can be found in the Data Matrix, in the help resources.
Endpoints to find People/Directors and order Director Reports. A Director Report will contain a person's registered information and Active & Previous Directorships, where available. This endpoint is not advised to get a list of directors for a specific Company. Instead, order a Company Credit Report using the /companies/{id}
endpoint, and use the directors
section in the response.
Endpoints to manage Fresh Investigation requests. With the need for accurate data, you can check on any company that is not available within our instant online database by placing a Fresh Investigation (Offline Order). Depending on the market, the information we obtain will vary. Using official sources and registries we are able to quickly answer questions about a company's stability and financial health. Where official information is not available we will conduct a direct interview with the business.
Returns Fresh Investigations processed after this date
Returns ordered Fresh Investigations that were processed before this date
Use to search for your Fresh Investigations by either the returned Company Details in the GET
endpoint or your supplied Search Criteria in the POST
Looks for your returned Fresh Investigations where the returned Company Country is named this. Use with lookUpOrderBy=CompanyDetails
Looks for your returned Fresh Investigations where the returned Company Name is named this. Use with lookUpOrderBy=CompanyDetails
Looks for your returned Fresh Investigations where your submitted Search Criteria Company Country is this. Use with lookUpOrderBy=searchCriteria
Looks for your Fresh Investigations where your submitted Search Criteria Company Name is this. Use with lookUpOrderBy=searchCriteria
Sorts returned Fresh Investigations by this field
curl -i -X GET \
'https://creditsafe-connect-api.redocly.app/_mock/connect-apis-catalog/product-catalog/connect-api-full/connectapi/freshinvestigations?companyDetailsCountry=string&companyDetailsName=string&createdBefore=string&createdSince=string&lookUpOrderBy=CompanyDetails&page=1&pageSize=0&reportCreatedAfter=2020-01-01T11%3A23%3A56Z&reportCreatedBefore=2020-01-01T11%3A23%3A56Z&searchCriteriaCountry=string&searchCriteriaName=string&sortBy=creationDate&sortDir=asc&transactionId=string' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_JWT_HERE>'
{ "totalCount": 0, "orders": [ { … } ] }
Specify a value to return a single section, or multiple-comma separated sections of the completed Fresh Investigation. Leave null to return all sections. Available sections; - companyIdentification
- creditScore
- contactInformation
- directors
- otherInformation
- groupStructure
- extendedGroupStructure
- financialStatements
- negativeInformation
- additionalInformation
- directorships
- localFinancialStatements
- paymentData
- companySummary
- alternateSummary
curl -i -X GET \
'https://creditsafe-connect-api.redocly.app/_mock/connect-apis-catalog/product-catalog/connect-api-full/connectapi/freshinvestigations/{orderId}?comments=last§ions=companyIdentification%2CcreditScore' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_JWT_HERE>'
{ "chargeReference": "string", "contactDetails": { "emailAddress": "string", "name": "string", "telephoneNumber": "string" }, "creationDate": "string", "lastStatusChangeDate": "string", "orderID": 0, "reportDate": "string", "searchCriteria": { "additionalInfo": "string", "address": { … }, "countryCode": "string", "name": "string", "regNo": "string", "vatNo": "string" }, "sections": [ { … } ], "status": { "code": "string", "description": "string" }, "transactionID": 0 }
curl -i -X DELETE \
'https://creditsafe-connect-api.redocly.app/_mock/connect-apis-catalog/product-catalog/connect-api-full/connectapi/freshinvestigations/{orderId}' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_JWT_HERE>'