Credit and Risk (1.0.0)

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Endpoints to authenticate and generate an Authentication Token.


Schema Structure

Endpoints to retrieve the structure of the Company and Director Search Criteria's and Reports.
The JSON schema is a blueprint of the data structure that will be returned in the response of the Company and Director Report endpoints. The schema can be used to validate the response data and understand the structure of the data returned. The schema is available for all countries and is a superset of all country's JSON schemas.



Endpoints to search for Companies in the Creditsafe Global Company Database. Companies are uniquely identified by the connectId - the identifier used to order a Company Credit Report. The Company Credit Report is a JSON object comprising of key business and financial data points such as Credit Score & Limit, Industry Code, Directors, Balance Sheet and Negative Information. A full list of Company data points can be found in the Data Matrix, in the help resources.


Company Search


Endpoint to search for Companies according to the provided Search Criteria. To get the most relevant results, it is recommended to use a unique identifier such as regNo where available. If a unique identifier is not available, use a combination of the companies registered postCode and name for the next best hit rate.


Starting page number.

Default 1

Number of items to return per Page.


comma-separated list of iso-2 country codes.
The code PLC can be used here to search for companies of this type across all countries.

Example: countries=GB,FR
languagestring or null= 2 characters

Only used for Countries where more than one Company Name exists for different languages e.g. Japanese Kanji and English.
Country - Languages Available
Japan [JP] - EN & JA

Default null
idstring or null

connectId - The primary Company identifier that is used to uniquely identify all companies across Creditsafe's Universe and Partner Network. This is returned on all Company Search Results. Use this field to use in other operations such as Ordering Company Credit Report by Id, and Adding Company to Monitoring Portfolio.

Default null
safeNostring or null

Safe Number - Identifier for Companies in Creditsafe's Home Countries.

regNostring or null

Local Company Identifier - The Company identifier associated with it's Domestic Filing Agency. i.e. French SIREN/SIRET, United Kingdom Companies House CRN.

vatNostring or null

Company VAT Number

namestring or null

Company Name

tradeNamestring or null

Trade Name of the Company, typically used in Countries where Name is not uniquely registered.

acronymstring or null

A (non-unique) identifier to look for Companies by their more commonly known acronym rather than their lesser known full name. Acronym is predominantly available on French Companies.

exactboolean or null

Provide as true to find Companies matching a Name exactly.
A list of countries this is available at Here.

addressstring or null
streetstring or null

Address part identifier - Street of the Company

Default null
houseNostring or null

Address part identifier - House/Building Number of the Company

citystring or null

Address part identifier - City of the Company

postCodestring or null

Address part identifier - Postcode/Zip Code of the Company. Can be provided partially to extend to a region with a * as a wildcard. I.e. CF* can represent all postcodes starting with CF.

provincestring or null

Address part identifier - Province/State of the Company

callRefstring or null

This parameter allows users to assign a unique identifier to their API queries. By using a callRef, it facilitates easier tracking and logging within Connect. If you provide a callRef, the Connect team can later retrieve and identify the specific requests associated with that identifier, enabling detailed tracing of interactions.

Default null
officeTypestring or null(CreditsafeGlobalDataOfficeType)
phoneNoArray of strings or null

Provides Array of phone numbers or Null

statusstring or null(CreditsafeGlobalDataCompanyStatus)

High-level status. Values include "Active", "NonActive", "Pending" and "Other". Note - “Pending” indicates that the entity has entered into a legal process such as insolvency or liquidation, and “Other” indicates an unknown status.


NonLtdNonReg is only available for countries in Norway.

websitestring or null
customDatastring or null

Not currently used.

curl -i -X GET \
  '' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_JWT_HERE>'


One of:

A unique ID assigned to this request.

messagesArray of objects(CreditsafeGlobalDataMessage)
companiesArray of objects(CreditsafeGlobalDataCompany)
{ "correlationId": "string", "messages": [ {} ], "totalSize": 0, "companies": [ {} ] }

Company Credit Report


Orders a Company Credit Report by connectId.

To acquire a PDF version of the report use the optional request in 'Header'.

This request will provide a 'Base64-encoded' script to convert to a PDF, this will appear at the end of the JSON response.


The connectId (optionally Safe Number where available) of the Company required to order their Credit Report. Obtained from /companies search results.

Example: GB-0-03836192
languagestring or null^[a-zA-Z]{2}$

Report Language - The JSON structure of the Report is language invariant, but field content will return as the given language, where available.

Default "en"
templatestring or null

Optional parameter to request a Templated Company Report. A Template adds/reduces sections of the Credit Report depending on your subscription. Do not include this parameter if you have not been given a template to use.
Connect Report Templates

Default "full"

Optional parameter to include the indicator scores in to a company report -fsi = Financial Strength , pbi = Payment Behaviour Indicator, eti = Estimated Turnover, pei = Payment Expectation Indicator

Addition information on indicator acronyms can be found HERE.

Addition information on understanding indicators can be found HERE.

Default false
customDatastring or null

Additional Report Parameters e.g. German Report Reason Code value is de_reason_code::1 . Use /reportcustomdata/{country} endpoint to see all values.

callRefstring or null

This parameter allows users to assign a unique identifier to their API queries. By using a callRef, it facilitates easier tracking and logging within Connect. If you provide a callRef, the Connect team can later retrieve and identify the specific requests associated with that identifier, enabling detailed tracing of interactions.

Default null

Applies request for PDF link to Company Report.

Example: application/json+pdf
curl -i -X GET \
  '' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json+pdf' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_JWT_HERE>'



A unique ID assigned to this request.

failedSectionsArray of strings(CreditsafeGlobalDataReportsReportSection)
Items Enum"CompanySummary""CompanySummaryExtra""AlternateSummary""CompanyIdentification""CompanyIdentificationExtra""CreditScore""CreditScoreExtra""ContactInformation""ContactInformationExtra""ShareCapitalStructure"
{ "correlationId": "string", "failedSections": [ "CompanySummary" ], "report": { "companyId": "string", "language": "OM", "companySummary": {}, "companyIdentification": {}, "creditScore": {}, "contactInformation": {}, "indicators": [], "shareCapitalStructure": {}, "directors": {}, "directorships": {}, "otherInformation": {}, "groupStructure": {}, "extendedGroupStructure": [], "financialStatements": [], "localFinancialStatements": [], "negativeInformation": {}, "additionalInformation": {}, "directorsExtra": {}, "extendedGroupStructureExtra": {}, "paymentData": {}, "paymentDataExtra": {}, "alternateSummary": {}, "negativeInformationExtra": {}, "exceptions": [] }, "companyId": "string", "dateOfOrder": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "language": "string", "userId": 0 }

Confidence Match Search



Iso-2 country code

Example: country=GB

There are 3 main score bands to use for a successful response.
- Use score 898 for a 'good' match on 'name'.
- Use score 899 for a 'good' match on 'name' and 'ok' response on an address component.
- Use scores between 900 - 999 for use on the other searches adjusting for level of 'match' response.

Example: matchThreshold=905
regNostring or null

Local Company Identifier - The Company identifier associated with it's Domestic Filing Agency. i.e. French SIREN/SIRET, United Kingdom Companies House CRN.

vatNostring or null

Company VAT Number

namestring or null

Company Name

streetstring or null

Address part identifier - Street of the Company

Default null
houseNostring or null

Address part identifier - House/Building Number of the Company

citystring or null

Address part identifier - City of the Company

postCodestring or null

Address part identifier - Postcode/Zip Code of the Company.

provincestring or null

Address part identifier - Province of the Company

statestring or null

Address part identifier - State of the Company

phoneNostring or null

Customer supplied free text reference 1 of 3

Example: reference1=free text 1

Customer supplied free text reference 2 of 3

Example: reference2=free text 2

Customer supplied free text reference 3 of 3

Example: reference3=free text 3
callRefstring or null

This parameter allows users to assign a unique identifier to their API queries. By using a callRef, it facilitates easier tracking and logging within Connect. If you provide a callRef, the Connect team can later retrieve and identify the specific requests associated with that identifier, enabling detailed tracing of interactions.

Default null
curl -i -X GET \
  '' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_JWT_HERE>'


One of:
matchedCompaniesArray of objects
{ "totalMatches": 0, "matchedCompanies": [ {} ] }


Endpoints to find People/Directors and order Director Reports. A Director Report will contain a person's registered information and Active & Previous Directorships, where available. This endpoint is not advised to get a list of directors for a specific Company. Instead, order a Company Credit Report using the /companies/{id} endpoint, and use the directors section in the response.



Endpoints to order official Company Image/Filing Documents from source. Company Filings such as Annual Account Statements, Annual Returns, Liquidations and Changes of Registered Information can be downloaded as PDFs, and are typically used as a resource in extended company auditing/compliance.


Fresh Investigations

Endpoints to manage Fresh Investigation requests. With the need for accurate data, you can check on any company that is not available within our instant online database by placing a Fresh Investigation (Offline Order). Depending on the market, the information we obtain will vary. Using official sources and registries we are able to quickly answer questions about a company's stability and financial health. Where official information is not available we will conduct a direct interview with the business.
