Update this description.
Endpoints to order Consumer Reports. In order to order a Consumer Report, sufficient information to uniquely identify the Consumer (search criteria) must be provided to filter potential results down to one record. When one record has been found, the returned object will be the Consumer Report. Currently only piloting with German Consumers.
ISO-2 country code
This parameter allows users to assign a unique identifier to their API queries. By using a callRef, it facilitates easier tracking and logging within Connect. If you provide a callRef, the Connect team can later retrieve and identify the specific requests associated with that identifier, enabling detailed tracing of interactions.
curl -i -X GET \
'https://creditsafe-connect-api.redocly.app/_mock/connect-apis-catalog/product-catalog/consumermisc/consumerandmisc/consumers?city=string&countries=DE&customData=de_reason_code%3A%3AER&dateOfBirth=2019-08-24T14%3A15%3A22Z&firstName=string&houseNo=string&language=EN&lastName=string&postCode=string&street=string' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_JWT_HERE>'
{ "totalSize": 0, "consumers": [ { … } ] }
This parameter allows users to assign a unique identifier to their API queries. By using a callRef, it facilitates easier tracking and logging within Connect. If you provide a callRef, the Connect team can later retrieve and identify the specific requests associated with that identifier, enabling detailed tracing of interactions.
curl -i -X GET \
'https://creditsafe-connect-api.redocly.app/_mock/connect-apis-catalog/product-catalog/consumermisc/consumerandmisc/consumers/searchcriteria?callRef=string&countries=string' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_JWT_HERE>'
[ { "countries": [ … ], "criteriaSets": [ … ] } ]